Release History



finPOWER Connect (All) 3.04.00

Not yet released
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NEW: Quick Search; Branches and External Parties are now searched independently of Clients

18073 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Branches and External Parties always have a linked Client.

FIX: Task Manager; crashes with "Parameter is not valid" error

18072 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Task Manager may crash with the error "An unhandled exception has occurred. Parameter is not valid.", or potentially out of memory errors.

FIX: HTML Widget; Outgoing Communication may show External Party with "TODO:" text in the Contacted dropdown

18071 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The sample Outgoing Communication HTML Widget may show External Parties with "TODO:" text in the Contacted dropdown.

NEW: Refunds; Element now includes an option to be not Due Immediately

18070 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Currently a Refund transaction for a Loan Account will always affect the Overdue value immediately. However, there are cases where this is not desirable.

FIX: Resources; Duplicate Descriptions are allowed for 3.03 databases upgraded before 3.03.04

18069 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

In October 2020, it was identified that Descriptions on Resources had to be unique. This is against all other Administration libraries and therefore this restriction was removed; see:

FIX: Export Information; Non-range parameters not refreshed when selecting an existing export file

18068 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

When using File, Export Infomation, and choosing an existing file by clicking on the file browse button, you are prompted to use the parameters that are stored in the existing file.

NEW: Resources; ResourceId field increased from 10 to 20 characters

18067 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Resource Id (the code field for the "Resource" Admin Library) has been increased from 10 to 20 characters.

FIX: Permission Keys; removed "SmsAndEmail.LogOptional" key

18066 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The "SmsAndEmail.LogOptional" Permission Key has been removed as it is not used.

NEW: Permission Keys; renamed key

18065 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The following Permission Keys have been renamed:

NEW: SQL Select Query Builder; added NOLOCK hint for SQL Server databases

18064 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Select Query Builder object now includes a NOLOCK hint for SQL Server and SQL Azure databases.

FIX: BatchHeader table, ScriptId column increased from 10 characters to 20

18063 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The BatchHeader table, ScriptId column, has been increased from 10 characters to 20.

NEW: Transaction List Report/ Query; add "LogPk" column

18062 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

A new column "LogPk" has been added to the Transaction List Report data export and Query.

NEW: Export Information wizard; Tooltip added to mention "package" functionality

18061 | 13 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

A tooltip has been added to the "Enter a format and name for the Export file" label on the first page of the Export Information wizard.

FIX: HTML Widgets; New Account wizard; Default Ledger now set if configured on Account Type

18060 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The New Account wizard HTML Widget has been updated to set the default Ledger if the Account Type is configured to show the Ledger field, and a default Ledger has been set.

FIX: External Party form; Securitisation page enabled for "Insurer" and "Other" External Party types

18059 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Securitisation page on the External Party form should only be available for "Bulk Funders". It was incorrectly enabled for "Insurer" and "Other" External Party types.

NEW: "Token" Payment Method; now allows 50 characters in the Account Number

18058 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The "Token" Payment Method now allows 50 characters in the Account Number - previously this was limited to 30 characters.

FIX: New Client wizard; web password is not cleared after adding a new Client

18057 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

In the New Client wizard, if a Client is added with a web password and then a second Client is added (without closing the wizard) the second Client will display the web password from the last Client.

FIX: HTML Widgets; External Party Edit; Interface tweaks

18056 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The following issues have been fixed in the External Party Edit HTML Widget:

FIX: HTML Widgets; External Party Edit; Widget can error if database is not licenced for Securitisation

18055 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

If not licenced for Securitisation, the External Party Edit HTML Widget could error due to missing Securitisation-specific Information Lists not being present in the database. This has now been fixed and the HTML Widget will not attempt to retrieve these...

FIX: finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration; Reporting and Processes pages would not display correctly if not licenced for External Parties

18054 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The following pages would not appear correctly in the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration utility if not licenced for External Parties:

NEW: HTML Widgets; Scheduled Processes; Wizard navigation improved when viewing recently run processes

18053 | 12 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Scheduled Process HTML Widgets have been updated so that when drilling down to a previously run process (from the "Recent" page of a supported HTML Widget), all wizard buttons except for "Recent" are now read only when viewing the information from the...

FIX: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.NumberBox; Setting MaxValue and MinValue does not update tooltip

18052 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Using the MaxValue and MinValue properties of the widget.UI.NumberBox control did not update the control's tooltip to display the updated values.

NEW: Scheduled Processes; Processes with a type of "Script" will now write Events

18051 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect WS 3.04.00

Events will now be written for "Script" Scheduled Process Types. These are triggered by the Script Code each time the following functions are called:

FIX: Global Settings; Template Folder now supports Smart Tags

18050 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Under Global Settings, General group, Documents and Templates page, the Template Folder now supports the following Smart Tags:

NEW: Update Requests; "Group Id" added to finUpdateRequestBase to link multiple requests together

18049 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Previously, Update Requests could not be linked to one another, aside from being within the same Log. Some scenarios, such as replacing two separate addresses with one (e.g., 1 Postal and 1 Physical, combined into a new address), may require further linki...

FIX: Client Company Lookup form; Government incorrectly spelt "Goverment"

18048 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

In the Client Company Lookup form, Window summary text, the word Government incorrectly spelt "Goverment".

NEW: Deposit Financial Schedule; not adjusting Withdrawal Standard Transactions if Account Balance is negative

18047 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

In finPOWER Connect version 3.3.5 a new option was added to disallow Withdrawals and Transfers that would place a Deposit Account into a Negative Balance.

NEW: Configuration Security Report; Mandatory User Email is now reported where required

18046 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

User Policy can ensure that User email addresses are mandatory. If a User does not have an email address (e.g., the User may have been created when the User Policy setting was off) and the User Policy now enforces it, then the User will be included in the...

FIX: Workflows; List Parameters of type "SQL Database Query" show a blank list

18045 | 9 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

A change in release 3.03.01 caused any Workflow Type List Parameters of type "SQL Database Query" to return a blank list.

NEW: PPSR NZ SPG Report; Security Statements can be included when not relevant to search criteria

18044 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The PPSR NZ SPG Report has been enhanced to better support reporting of Discharged Financing Statements.

FIX: Update Requests; Contact Address and Contact Method Update Requests are now validated to ensure applicable Contact Methods are being used

18043 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The validation on Address and Contact Method Update Requests has been improved to ensure that:

NEW: Update Requests; Scripting functionality improved by adding "Base Type" Enumeration, and other script-configurable improvements

18042 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The following functionality has been added to Update Requests.

NEW: Processes view; Background tab; Removed "ID" column

18041 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

The "ID" column in the grid on the Background tab of the Processes view has been removed.

NEW: "/Silent" mode; pop ups message if in Forced Test Mode

18040 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

If the **/Silent** command line option is used and you are in Forced Test Mode, the message "WARNING: Test mode is currently enforced" still pops up.

FIX: Cost Centres; MotorWeb NZ Options page, Valuation Options incorrectly saved as number

18039 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Valuation Options in Cost Centres, MotorWeb NZ, Options page were being saved as a number instead of text.

FIX: Account Calculations; after changing Account Types, an Account may not calculate - if using Rate Tables

18038 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

After changing the Account Type of an Account, it may fail to calculate.

NEW: Service Reports are now displayed in a larger "Modal" form

18037 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

Service Reports such as a PPSR "Security Registry Enquiry" now display in a larger "Modal" form to maximise the amount of information viewable on-screen.

NEW: Log Summary updated to show Security Register Response information

18036 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Log Summary will now show Response information for Security Register type Logs which are linked to Service Logs. For example, PPSR (NZ) Search Results.

NEW: Direct Debit Processing; now allows zero value Direct Debits to be processed

18035 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Process Direct Debit Payments wizard now allows zero value Direct Debits to be processed.

NEW: New User wizard; added buttons to view password text and generate strong password

18034 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The New User wizard now has buttons to view the password text and generate a strong password.

NEW: Password Change dialog; updated to include a Show/ Hide password text button

18033 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The Password Change dialog now has a button to Show/ Hide the password text.

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.Grid control; onRowDrilldown event now has a "grid" property

18032 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

The event arguments object (e) for a widget.UI.Grid control's onRowDrilldown event how has a "grid" property that is a reference to the grid on which the event occurred.

NEW: Portals; New "ParentPageId" tag to retrieve the Id of a Portal Page in which a Partial Page is hosted

18031 | 8 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

A new <%ParentPageId%> tag can be used in Portals.

FIX: Updating the Session Key in the Other Settings form causes unexpected User Interface issues

18030 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect WS 3.04.00

The Actions button on the Other Settings form has an "Update Session Key" action.

NEW: MotorWeb NZ; new "Valuation" option to use Trade Me valuations in Asset Checks

18029 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Added the following Trade Me valuation default options for the Asset Check report:

NEW: Web Administration; When Database Settiings are saved, the User Interface is now blocked with a friendly message

18028 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect WS 3.04.00

Changing any of the settings on the Database Settings form and saving them forces Web Services to return to the login form.

NEW: Processes main view; Now animates icon when a background process is running and shows a bullet when items completed

18027 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

The following HTML Widgets run background processes, i.e., they can be started and closed but will continue to run in the background on the web server:

FIX: HTML Widgets; Send SMS Message wizard; Fee now respects Account Status and Account Type settings

18026 | 19 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

The Fee entry on the Confirm page of the Send SMS Message wizard HTML Widget now respects the Account Status and Account Type settings as follows:

NEW: Timed updates may fail if User has just changed their password

18025 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect Cloud 3.04.00

The following views regularly communicate with Web Services to check for changes:

FIX: Processing Workflow; fails with an "Unhandled Exception" error

18024 | 7 April 2021 | finPOWER Connect 3.04.00

Processing a Workflow may fail with an "Unhandled Exception. Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

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