Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect Cloud
Job: J026195
High Importance

Processes main view; Now animates icon when a background process is running and shows a bullet when items completed

The following HTML Widgets run background processes, i.e., they can be started and closed but will continue to run in the background on the web server:

  • Run Account Processes
  • Retrieve SMS Delivery Updates & Replies

The Processes view has a "Background" tab that displays running and recently run background processes.

When a process such as Account Processes is running, the Processes view icon now slowly spins. When one or more items are complete, the count of completed items is displayed as a bullet on the Processes view icon.

Clicking the "Refresh" button on the Process view (visible on either the Background or Scheduled tabs), the bullet will be cleared.

NOTE: It is possible that very fast running background processes will not trigger the animation or increase the bullet count. It is highly likely for these processes though that the User will still be viewing the HTML Widget and therefore see any notification there.