Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J026313
High Importance
Breaking Change

Direct Debit Processing; now allows zero value Direct Debits to be processed

The Process Direct Debit Payments wizard now allows zero value Direct Debits to be processed.

If a Payment Due transaction's Direct Debit status is "To be Processed", but the Loan Account's balance is zero or in credit the Direct Debit was not processed. This meant the Payment Due transaction is left still to be processed. If, at some time in the future the Loan Account's balance becomes positive, the Direct Debit will then be processed. This is particularly noticeable with Revolving Credit Loan Accounts.

Now, the zero Direct Debit line will be able to be processed. No Payment transaction is created, but the Payment Due transactions will be flagged as "Processed" - so they will no longer appear in the future.

Note, you can edit and stop Direct Debits to clear Loan Accounts stuck with Payment Due transactions still to be processed.

The following Summary Page standard block has been updated:

  • AccountDirectDebit_Summary
    • Version 1.02, Last updated 8/04/2021