Release History



finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Released on 2 December 2020
203 articles found. Displaying page 4 of 5

FIX: Portal; Just changing Remote Publish Password does not save to database

17455 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Editing a Portal and updating the Web Administrator Password on the Publish page failed to save changes to the database.

FIX: Portals; LESS type Resources fail to be included when using a ResourceDataUri tag

17454 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Using a ResourceDataUri tag to include a LESS type Resource failed. No CSS would be included in the page and therefore formatting would be impacted.

NEW: Portals; Special "PORTAL_CONFIG" Page can now use certain Tags

17453 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Portals can define a special "PORTAL_CONFIG" Page which is in fact an HTML Widget that can be used to present a friendly User Interface to configure the Portal.

NEW: Messaging; SMS message to an Account Application now supports Account tags

17452 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Sending an SMS message to an Account Application now supports Account and Client tags, e.g. "[Account.Name]".

NEW: Portals; IDE page; Pages starting or ending in the text "modal" display a different icon

17451 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

An earlier update meant that a different icon was displayed on the Portals form, IDE page for Pages that started with "modal." or ended in ".modal".

NEW: Account Restructure; Using "By Number of Payments?" when 1 Payment does not work

17450 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

In an Account Restructure, if using the "By Number of Payments?" option, 1 Payment changes back to 2 payments.

NEW: Contact Methods; Phone and Email Contact Methods should not allow multiple Home/ Work/ Mobile options to be checked

17449 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Phone and Email Contact Methods should not allow multiple Home/ Work/ Mobile options to be checked as this potentially causes confusion or other issues.

FIX: Client Connect Sample Portal; All modal windows not loading

17448 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Modal windows were not loading correctly when run from IIS, however were fine when run within finPOWER Connect. A fixed version of the Client Connect Sample Portal is available from Intersoft Support prior to the release of 3.03.04 at which point it will...

NEW: Portals; Authentication page; Access Denied Message can now be defined for restricted Client Portals

17447 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

An HTML formatted message can now be defined on the Authentication Page of the Portals form for Client-based Portals.

NEW: Gembox Spreadsheet software component; updated to version

17446 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Gembox Spreadsheet component files have been updated to version

NEW: Gembox Document software component; updated to version

17445 | 6 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Gembox Document component files have been updated to version

NEW: Portals; Authentication page; User Data Field can now be specified to restrict Client access to a Portal

17444 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Portals form, Authentication page now allows a User Data Field to be defined that will restrict access to a Client-based Portal.

NEW: Loan Weighted Interest Rate Report; added "Net Balance"

17442 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Added "Net Balance" as a column and basis to the Loan Weighted Interest Rate Report.

NEW: Database upgrade; if fails whilst adding extended indexes the database cannot be opened

17441 | 31 March 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

If a SQL Server database upgrade fails whilst adding extended indexes, the database cannot be opened as it is flagged as "partially upgraded". Normally a partially upgraded database can be resumed.

FIX: HTML Widgets; Client Edit; Status icon on Profile page incorrectly aligned when running within finPOWER Connect desktop

17439 | 6 November 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Status icon on the Profile page of the Client Edit HTML Widget was incorrectly aligned when run from within finPOWER Connect desktop. It appeared too close to the top vertically.

FIX: Portals; PartialPage tags work as expected but HTML remarks do not include Page Id

17436 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A <%PartialPage%> tag is used to insert a Partial Page into a regular Portal page or its Master Page.

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.Grid; Editor improvements for dropdown lists

17435 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The following improvements have been made for editable grid columns:

NEW: Equifax Australia (VedaConnectAU); Apply product updated to version 1.23 of the API Product Guide

17434 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Equifax AU (VedaConnectAU) service, Apply product, has been updated to version 1.23 of the API Connect Product Guide.

FIX: Cost Centres; illion BankStatements and Credit Sense audit details updated

17433 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The BankStatements and Credit Sense Cost Centre audit details for Email and SMS documents have been updated to the Id of the document. Previously the Primary Key was audited.

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.Grid; Allow text wrapping on columns so that text does not force column wide

17432 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new "wrap" boolean option has been added for HTML Widget Grid columns.

FIX: Cost Centres; now warn if there is no "Global" Cost Centre

17431 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

finPOWER Connect now warns the User if there is no "Global" Cost Centre defined. This occurs when opening the Client or Account forms.

FIX: SMS Messaging; Branch and Service is not defaulting when opening the Process, SMS Message form

17429 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The User's default Branch and therefore Service was not defaulting when opening the Process, SMS Message form.

NEW: Global Settings; GL Export settings now allows "Allow User to modify General Ledger Export settings" to be changed when using the "Xero" interface

17428 | 5 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

If using the "Xero" General Ledger interface the Global Setting "Allow User to modify General Ledger Export settings" could not be changed. This has been updated to allow this setting to be updated when using the Xero interface.

FIX: Portals: Overwriting some Theme properties on Import even when selecting not to overwrite theme

17427 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Importing a Portal and overwriting an existing Portal was not preserving all properties from the Theme page, even if the Import option to "Include Theme" was unchecked.

NEW: Account form, Standard Transactions grid; added new column "Stop"

17426 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new column has been added to the Account form, Standard Transactions grid, "Stop", This shows the Stop Date.

NEW: Pools form; maximum number of open forms increased to 4

17425 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The maximum number of Account, Pools forms that can be open at the same time has been increased from 1 to 4.

NEW: Business Layer; New ISJsonArray object

17424 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new ISJsonArray object (finBL.CreateJsonArray) has been added.

NEW: Business Layer; finBL.CreateCodeDescriptionList() method added

17423 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new finBL.CreateCodeDescriptionList() method has been added. This is simply a shortcut to the finBL.Runtime.CreateCodeDescriptionList() method.

FIX: Business Layer; add better validation in Credit Bureau and other functions

17422 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The following changes have been made to the Business Layer.

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.DBCombo; Special Ranges now pre-populate and search with field content

17421 | 14 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Entering a value into a "special" DBCombo, i.e., one that shows a search rather than a dropdown list such as Accounts or Clients, now pre-populates the search with the value entered in the textbox and performs a search when the dropdown is displayed.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Grids; 'small' style can now be applied at a row level

17420 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The InitialiseRow event of a widget.UI.Grid control allows certain styles to be set on rows and cells.

NEW: HTML Widgets and Portals; Angular style tags; New "ng-termplate" tag

17419 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new Angular-style tag named "ng-template" can be used in HTML Widgets and Portals.

NEW: HTML Widgets and Portals; Angular-style data binding; Now show 'undefined' object properties as a blank string

17418 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Using angular style tags to bind to object properties displays "undefined" if the property did not exist, e.g.:

NEW: New Standard Ranges for Contact Methods

17417 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Standard Ranges are used throughout finPOWER Connect and can also be used to produce dropdown lists on Page Sets and HTML Widgets.

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.AddressDetails; New captionSuffix option added

17416 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new startup option of "captionSuffix" has been added to the widget.UI.AddressDetails control.

NEW: Portals; SiteMap tag; Now adds a "page-id" attribute to each LI element

17415 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The <%SiteMap%> tag generates an HTML unordered list (ul) representing the site's menu structure based on the content of the Portals form, Pages page.

FIX: HTML Widgets; "ng-bind" tag not respecting new lines

17414 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Angular style "ng-bind" tag was not respecting new lines causing values to appear on a single line even in the source value contained new lines.

NEW: Portals; Publish page; Import Notes can now be defined that are displayed to the User when importing a Portal

17413 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Import Notes can now be defined that are displayed to the User when importing a Portal.

NEW: HTML Widgets; New widget.UI.BankingDetails control added

17412 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new widget.UI.BankingDetails control is available.

NEW: Portals; IDE page; Pages prefixed with "modal." or suffixed ".modal" now use a different icon

17411 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Any pages with a Page Id that is either prefixed with "modal." or suffixed ".modal" now displays a different icon to make it easily distinguishable to Portal developers.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Public1 and SemUI styles; CSS classes made more targeted

17410 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A couple of CSS stylings in both the Public1 and SemUI HTML Widget stylings could make it difficult to style button elements when NOT wanting to follow the normal styles (e.g., in Portals).

NEW: Portals; Portal Preview now includes HTML Widget CSS if necessary since this affects layout

17409 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

If a Portal is configured (via the Options page) to include "CSS Stylesheet for HTML Widget", then this is now included in the Preview (bottom of the Theme page) since it can affect the page layout, e.g., the default fonts and spacing.

FIX: Client Connect Sample Portal; Account Applications without an Opening or Maturity date should not show a Term

17408 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

In the Client Connect Sample Portal, Account Applications without an Opening or Maturity date should not show a Term. They currently show a Term like "-737688d".

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.Grid; New 'blankTip' property for grid cells

17407 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

A new blankTip property can be set for grid cells in the widget.UI.Grid's InitialiseRow event.

FIX: Account Schedule; Standard Transaction Key is not showing for Payments

17406 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

In the Account Schedule, Payment Standard Transactions do not record the Standard Transaction Key.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Credit Reporting (Australia) Credit Bureau Default now supported as an HTML Widget

17405 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Credit Bureau Default wizard for Credit Reporting (Australia) is now available as an HTML Widget for Accounts.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Equifax XML (New Zealand) Credit Bureau Default now supported as an HTML Widget

17404 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Credit Bureau Default wizard for Equifax XML (New Zealand) is now available as an HTML Widget for Accounts.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Centrix (New Zealand) Credit Bureau Default now supported as an HTML Widget

17403 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

The Credit Bureau Default wizard for Centrix (New Zealand) is now available as an HTML Widget for Accounts.

NEW: Business Layer; ScriptCaption property added to ISScriptExecutionInfo

17399 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

ISScriptExecutionInfo (object ScriptInfo, in Scripts) has been enhanced to include the Script Caption if available. The new read-only property "ScriptCaption" is available for use.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Client Banking Details HTML Widget now available

17398 | 2 October 2020 | finPOWER Connect 3.03.04

Client Banking Details can now be added or edited via an HTML Widget for Clients.

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