Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J025139

HTML Widgets; widget.UI.DBCombo; Special Ranges now pre-populate and search with field content

Entering a value into a "special" DBCombo, i.e., one that shows a search rather than a dropdown list such as Accounts or Clients, now pre-populates the search with the value entered in the textbox and performs a search when the dropdown is displayed.

This makes it easier and more intuitive to search for records.

E.g., if you enter C1000 into a Client DBCombo and then click the dropdown, you previously had to re-enter it into the search.

This value is now copied to the search and a search performed.


  • Clients grid on New Account wizard
    • Enter "Sample" directly into the cell. Click the dropdown and will automatically populate the search and perform a search
  • Security Item wizard (e.g., from New Account wizard), Owner & Location page