Release History
finPOWER Connect (All) 3.03.05
FIX: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.AddressDetails; PO Box addresses not showing Suburb/ Location
When a "PO Box" or "GPO Box" address was selected as the Delivery Type for an Address in a widget.UI.AddressDetails control such as in the Client Contact Address HTML Widget, Suburb (recaptioned as "Location" for Box Numbers) was not displayed.
FIX: Log Summary not using configured custom Summary Page
The Log Summary showing for the selected item in Logs grids such as the Account form, Logs tab, was not using the custom Summary Page configured under Global Settings.
NEW: HTML Widgets; Workflow "Outgoing Communication" Action now available
The "Outgoing Communication" Workflow Action is now available as a stand-alone HTML Widget.
NEW: Workflows form; Incoming and Outgoing Communication actions added
The ability to create logs to record Incoming and Outgoing Communication Logs is now available from the Workflow form actions.
NEW: No longer require Web Services Administration to be local by default
Version 3.03.04 of Web Services added a new configuration option to force Web Administration to only be accessible from the local web server.
NEW: Processes view; Scheduled and Background tabs; Now allow details of Process Events to be viewed
The grids on the Scheduled and Background tabs of the Processes view now contain a drilldown button that will display any Process Events that are recorded.
FIX: HTML Widgets; Send SMS Message; HTML Widget would crash with an Object Reference error if an incorrect Account Application was entered
The Send SMS Message would crash with an "Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object" error if an invalid Application Id was entered when the Type field was set to "Account Application".
NEW: HTML Widgets; Workflow "Incoming Communication" Action now available
The "Incoming Communication" Workflow Action is now available as a stand-alone HTML Widget.
NEW: finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form; Processes; Scheduled; More information displayed about the process when it was last run
A new "Last Run Events" block appears in the summary below the grid on the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form, Processes, Scheduled page.
NEW: finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form; Account Processes Scheduled Process; Can now specify Scripts
Under the finPOWER Connect Cloud Process wizard which is launched from the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form, Processes, Scheduled page, you can now specify a range of Scripts to run.
NEW: HTML Widgets; Run Account Processes; Scripts can now be run
The Run Account Processes wizard HTML Widget now supports running of Scripts as per the wizard in finPOWER Connect.
NEW: HTML Widgets; Run Account Processes; Events are now reported in more detail
The Progress page of the Run Account Processes wizard HTML Widget now reports events occurring and any Accounts that errored.
FIX: External Party; Disbursement Account options, updated caption
Under Admin, External Parties on the Options page, Disbursement Account options the caption "Default new Disbursements as 'Pending'?" has been updated to "Set Disbursements as 'Pending' when Creating Default Disbursements?".
NEW: Bank Account Other Party Name; logic to make mandatory updated
When creating a Bank Export file, some Banks require that the Other Party Name is non-blank. If the Name has not been entered this means the file will fail to import into the Banking System. Therefore extra validation has been added to force the Name to b...
NEW: Workflow form; Send Email action added
The ability to send an ad-hoc Email is now available from the Workflow form actions.
NEW: BNZ Bank Exports; added validation if Other Party Name is blank
An additional validation for "BNZ GIFTS (Direct Credit)" and "BNZ GIFTS (Direct Debit)" Bank Exports has been added.
NEW: Workflow form; Send SMS action added
The ability to send an ad-hoc SMS is now available from the Workflow form actions.
FIX: HTML Widgets; Email validation causes browser or finPOWER Connect to hang
The Regular Expression used to validate email addresses using JavaScript was causing catastrophic backtracking, causing the web browser or finPOWER Connect itself to hang.
NEW: Calendars; added Matariki public holiday in New Zealand for 2022
Added New Zealand Matariki public holiday in "Add Holidays" wizard for Calendars.
NEW: Payment Arrangement Summary updated to show linked Workflow
Payment Arrangements can be created either from Workflow Items or from an ad-hoc action against the Workflow.
NEW: Workflow form; Payment Arrangement and Payment Promise actions added
The ability to add Payment Arrangements and Payment Promises for Account-type Workflows is now available from the Workflow form actions.
FIX: Workflow Actions wizard; Confirm page; "Link Logs to a specific Workflow item" option is disabled
The "Link Logs to a specific Workflow item" Radio Button option was always disabled when the User landed on the Confirmation page of the Workflow Actions wizard.
NEW: Workflow form; Send Document action added
The ability to send an ad-hoc Document is now available from the Workflow form actions.
NEW: Cost Centres; Centrix Consumer defaults updated
The default setting for Centrix Consumer options in Cost Centres has been updated.
NEW: Business Layer; ISUserPolicyRO; Login Lockout Properties added
The following read-only Properties have been added to ISUserPolicyRO:
NEW: Workflow form; Actions; Renamed "Workflow Actions" to "Status Actions"
The "Workflow Actions" group header in the Workflow form Actions popup has been renamed to "Status Actions" for consistency with Accounts and Account Applications.
FIX: IP White List added to restrict access to Web Administration
The previous release of Web Services allowed access to the Web Administration facility to be limited to a web browser running on the local web server.
FIX: Twilio Messaging service; added option to receive SMS updates and replies via the "Retrieve SMS Delivery Updates and Replies" wizard
Added support for Twilio SMS replies and status updates to be retrieved via the "Retrieve SMS Delivery Updates and Replies" wizard.
NEW: Service Logs; add facility to "cleanse" sensitive data
For privacy requirements, finPOWER Connect now allows you to "cleanse" sensitive data from Service Logs. This will remove the Request, Response and Extended data from the Service Log and all related Service Logs.
NEW: Account form; Disbursements and Account Ledgers; Actioning multiple items no longer takes place in a Database Transaction
Actioning multiple items in the Disbursements and Accounting Ledgers grids previously took place in a Database Transaction. Therefore, if one item failed, all items would fail.
NEW: Links to Intersoft website now use HTTPS
Several links to the Intersoft website, e.g., from the bottom of the login form, were sill using HTTP.
NEW: Equifax Australia (VedaConnectAU); added support for "Business Trading History" and "Company Trading History" products
Added support for Equifax Australia, VedaConnectAU service, "Business Trading History" and "Company Trading History" products.
FIX: Bundling was disabled leading to many non-minified Script files being downloaded
Bundling is a way of combining multiple files, e.g., JavaScript files into a single file which means the web browser only needs to make a single request rather than a request for each script file (e.g., 20 requests).
NEW: HTML Widgets; Client Contact Method; New button to "Validate Email address"
A new button to the right of the Email field allows the Email address to be validated.
NEW: HTML Widgets; Account Withdrawal; "Payment Arrangement" page added
The Payment Arrangement page found at the end of the Account Withdrawal form is now available in the Account Withdrawal HTML Widget. The behaviour matches that of the existing form.
FIX: Transaction List Report; may fail with an unhandled exception error
The Transaction List Report may fail with an "An unhandled exception has occurred. Column 'WTaxValue' does not belong to table Table.
NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.UI.RadioButtonList; List items can now be disabled or made invisible
The widget.UI.RadioButtonList control (used on the second page of the Account Withdrawal wizard) has been enhanced as follows:
NEW: SMS Messaging; Reply Log's "Owner" is now set to the original Log's Owner
Previously a reply to an SMS message set the "Owner" of the Account, Client etc Log to the current User. Typically this would be the Web Service User.
NEW: Process Direct Debit Payments; added "ExecuteCommitPost" script event
A new script event has been added to the Process Direct Debit Payments wizard, "ExecuteCommitPost".
NEW: EziTxt SMS Messaging Interface; no longer available
The EziTxt SMS Messaging Interface is no longer available.
NEW: Loan Aged Overdue Report; add optional Last Payment Value column
Added optional "Last Payment Value" column to the Loan Aged Overdue Report.
NEW: Support Information; added "Printed on" date and time and message if database schema cannot be read
The Support Information report, found under Help, Support now includes the "Printed on" date and time and a message if the database schema cannot be read.
NEW: Logs; Deleting a Log now allows Client Logs and Files to be deleted and warns if Service Logs are linked
Deleting a Log, e.g., an Account Log, will now give warnings and options similar to the Log forms in finPOWER Connect desktop, e.g.:
NEW: Logo icons; updated and removed logos
The following icons have been updated and brought up-to-date:
NEW: HTML Widgets; New widget.UI.VisualiseControlChanged method added to show a visual cue when a control has automatically been updated
A new widget.UI.VisualiseControlChanged method has been added.
FIX: Logs; Deleting a Log from the Log form may fail
Deleting a Log from the Log form may fail with a message similar to "An unhandled exception has occurred. Unable to cast object of type 'Intersoft.finSupport3.finLogRO' to type 'Intersoft.finSupport3.finAccountLog'.".
NEW: Parameter entry; Date and Number ranges are now validated to ensure From value is not greater than To value
Parameter entry (such as running the Audit Search wizard) may contain Date ranges and Number ranges.
FIX: Parameter entry; Date and Number ranges are now validated to ensure From value is not greater than To value
Parameter entry forms (such as running the Account List report) may contain Date ranges and Number ranges.
NEW: HTML Widgets; Account Close; Ability to update Accrued Interest is now controlled via a Permission Key
There are new options in the Account Close wizard HTML Widget to stop Accrued Interest from being modified by the User.
NEW: Workflows; "Open Pending Workflow" action added
The "New Workflows" page of the "Workflow Types" form has an option to "Leave new Workflows Pending".