Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J025620

Service Logs; add facility to "cleanse" sensitive data

For privacy requirements, finPOWER Connect now allows you to "cleanse" sensitive data from Service Logs. This will remove the Request, Response and Extended data from the Service Log and all related Service Logs.

A new "Cleanse" action has been added to the Service Log form. This will open a "Cleanse Service Log" form with a summary of the Service Log, any related Service Logs and Linked Account, Client etc Logs, which in turn may link to Documents.

If there are any linked Logs you cannot cleanse the Service Logs. You must first delete the linked Logs. Do this by clicking on the "Subject" column to open the Account, Client etc Log and delete the Log - following the prompts to remove related Documents.

Once there are no linked Logs a "Cleanse" button is shown. Click this to cleanse the Service Logs.

Note, a new Permission Key "ServiceLogs.Cleanse" has been added to control access to this functionality. This is "denied" by default.