Business Layer Training - Querying the finPOWER Connect Database

Thursday, 31 May 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session is broken in to two parts, looking at the different ways to query the finPOWER Connect Database. Part 1 covers the Run Query utility and how it can be used to load/save frequently used queries in finPOWER Connect, as well as starting to explore the ISSelectQueryBuilder Business Layer object. Part 2 further delves into the Query Builder and looks at ways to implement it in a finPOWER Connect Script. We also cover topics such as Scalar Queries and converting XML stored in the database into Business Layer objects without needing to load Account/Client etc.. objects.

Watch the video for part 1 here.

Watch the video for part 2 here.

Business Layer Training - Overriding Summary Page Blocks and Application Shortcuts

Wednesday, 16 May 2018 by Martin Elsworth

Following on from last week's look at Summary Page Scripts, this Business Layer training session demonstrates how to test Summary Page Scripts, override system Summary Page Standard Blocks and create Application Shortcuts via Script Code.

Watch the video here.

Business Layer Training - Summary Page Scripts

Thursday, 10 May 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session discusses Summary Page version 2 Scripts. We take a look at how we can modify existing system Summary Pages as well as creating our own using custom and built-in Summary Page Blocks.

Watch the video here.

Business Layer Training - UI Relationship and debug options

Thursday, 26 April 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session explores the relationship between the finPOWER Connect User Interface and the Business Layer and demonstrates some helpful User Interface forms and options. We also look at the different ways in which we can debug Scripts and make use of the now context sensitive, Business Layer Help.

Watch the video here.

Business Layer Training - Business Layer Basics

Wednesday, 18 April 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session looks at some of the fundamental principles and structure of Scripts and objects in the Business Layer. We look at the concept of Return Values and why it is so important to check them in our Scripts, as well as explaining Global Collections and how they can be used to optimise our code. We also take a look at Global Constants and how they can be used to hold values that can be accessed from multiple Scripts/Workflows/Documents etc..

Watch the video here.

Business Layer Training - Business Layer Utilities

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session looks at functions and utilities available in the finPOWER Connect Business Layer. Throughout the Business Layer there are a number of functions and methods that can be called from a Script to perform actions against various Business Layer objects. We will demonstrate where to find these functions and how to use them, as well as exploring the Business Layer Runtime library, which contains useful helper methods for handling dates, text, numbers, files etc..

Watch the video here.

Business Layer Training

Thursday, 29 March 2018 by Martin Elsworth

The Intersoft Support Code Team will be creating weekly training content to help developers create Scripts using the finPOWER Connect Business Layer. Each week we will post a new blog article focused on an area of the Business Layer, along with a video demonstration and associated resources.

rPPSR Changes - Supporting the G2B

Tuesday, 20 February 2018 by John Rickard

NEWSFLASH: PPSR Go Live Date delayed until 1st October 2018.

For more information see the PPSR website.

Amongst other challenges, finPOWER Connect needs to support the G2B interface until the new rPPSR goes live on the 2nd July 2018, and after this date to continue to support existing G2B Transactions stored in finPOWER Connect.

Some of our goals, therefore, included:

  • It must be simple to switch to the new rPPSR on the go live date.
  • Existing PPSR Transactions created via the existing G2B interface must still be supported.

rPPSR Changes - Introduction

Monday, 19 February 2018 by John Rickard

NEWSFLASH: PPSR Go Live Date delayed until 1st October 2018.

For more information see the PPSR website.

The existing PPSR in New Zealand is being replaced with a new system, the rPPSR (Replacement PPSR), and is due to go live on 2nd July 2018.

This move is being driven by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Enterprise (MBIE) and is designed to replace the reliable but aging platform that, whilst world leading when it was released in 2002, has increased risks and costs associated with ageing technology.

Here, at Intersoft Systems, we have been working towards this change for the last 12 months, and are committed to developing a state of the art interface to the rPPSR.

In this first Blog article, we will introduce some of the changes made to the rPPSR.

Account and Client wizards in finPOWER Connect Cloud

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 by Paul Hammond

Certain forms within finPOWER Connect Cloud are fixed, e.g., the Client Log form.

Others forms, however, are implemented as system-supplied HTML Widgets and can be substituted by custom HTML Widgets, thereby allowing an unprecedented level of customisation.

Three new forms are the Account Credit Limit Change, Account Monitor Category Change and Account Statement Change wizards.

Our online demo lets you check out the latest build of finPOWER Connect Cloud.

NOTE: This is regularly updated to show new features and may not match screenshots shown in this article.