finPOWER Connect Portals Add-On

Develop custom Portals that can run on almost any device

The finPOWER Connect Portals Add-On allows custom web Portals to be created.

Our online Client Connect Example Portal demonstrates how the Portals module can be used to create a way for clients to access information about their accounts.

Sign in with the following credentials:
Client Id: C10000
Password: Password1

This sample can be accessed via a web browser or installed to your phone, computer or other device as a Progressive Web Application (PWA).

Portals are designed within finPOWER Connect and then used either internally (within finPOWER Connect) or, more importantly, externally via a web browser (using the finPOWER Connect Web Services). They can also be installed to the user's desktop as a Progressive Web Application (PWA).

Examples of what Portals may be used for are:

  • Client Portal
    • E.g., Clients can access the Portal via a Web Browser and view a list of their Accounts.
    • The Client Connect Example Portal demonstrates this category of Portal.
  • Dealer/ Broker/ Agent Portal
    • External Party Users can sign in, add Account Applications and view their Tasks.
    • NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you consider finPOWER Connect Cloud before embarking on creating a Portal that targets finPOWER Connect Users.
  • Public Loan Application Portal
    • Typically, a Loan Application form can be implemented as an HTML Widget.
    • However, using a Portal to provide this functionality may be advantageous in certain situations.

Hosting Portals

  • finPOWER Connect Web Services and the corresponding SQL-Server database are hosted by the customer, thereby giving total data isolation and giving the customer ownership of their own data
  • See finPOWER Connect Web Services Requirements for more information on requirements