PPSR Registrations - Certificate Expired related error

Error Details

PPSR Error Message

Failed to retrieve Secured Party Group details from the PPSR G2B (Production).

Failed to execute Security Register 'Secured Party Group Query' request.

Failed to execute 'New Zealand PPSR G2B 'Secured Party Group Query' request (Production).

You must write ContentLength bytes to the request stream before calling [Begin]GetResponse.


  • This error message is generated when the PPSR G2B Certificate has expired.
  • Please renew the expired Certificate within the PPSR G2B website and then re-import into finPOWER Connect (if required).
  • Note, the Certificate defined under Tools, User Security, can include an expiry date. We recommend you use the "Imported Certificate" option which will automatically set this date.

PPSR Transactions - TLS related error

Note, this message may appear after a Windows update.

Error Details

PPSR Error Message

Failed to retrieve Secured Party Group details from the PPSR G2B (Production).

Failed to execute Security Register 'Secured Party Group Query' request.

Failed to execute 'New Zealand PPSR G2B 'Secured Party Group Query' request (Production).

You must write ContentLength bytes to the request stream before calling [Begin]GetResponse.


  • The problem is related to the Certificate supplied by MBIE via their website. It is MD5 encrypted and fails under Windows when using the TLS 1.2 protocol.
    • Depending on the version of Windows and updates installed, e.g., if TLS 1.2 is enabled by default, a conflict with this Certificate occurs.
    • However, disabling TLS 1.2 will stop some other third party services from working, e.g. Equifax.
  • The workaround is to use a SHA1 encrypted Certificate.
    • Contact MBIE, apisupport@business.govt.nz, and request a SHA1 Certificate. You need to confirm your PPSR G2B login Id (9 digits)
    • Note, manually creating a new Certificate is labour intensive and is done by the same team that is building the new PPSR system. Therefore, it may take more than a day to issue the new Certificate.
    • The SHA1 Certificate is installed like the normal PPSR certificate and will allow you to continue using the PPSR G2B interface.