Credit Enquiries - NZ Government API

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden

Error Details

TSG2002 New Zealand Government API

Failed to Perform Credit Enquiry<BR>

Failed to execute Credit Enquiry request.

Failed to execute New Zealand Government Business API 'NZCO Disqualified Directors Search' request (Production).

{"fault:{code":900908,"message":"Resource forbidden ","description":"Access failure for API: /v2/companies-office/disqualified-directors, version: v2"}

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.


Log into and make sure all necessary API's have been subscribed to and have been approved.

To subscribe to an API:

  1. Click on the NZBN Service.
  2. Then click the applicable API.
  3. Click the Subscribe button on the top right.