Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J034227
High Importance

Account Payment Arrangement Advice; Fails to publish Log if created from an Account Restructure

The Account Payment Arrangement Advice has been updated since, when attempting to publish a Log generated from an Account Restructure, an "Object reference not set to an instance or an object" Script error could occur.

The following sample Document has been updated:

  • APA, Account Payment Arrangement Advice
    • Version: 1.11 (05/09/2024)
    • Account_PaymentArrangementAdvice.xml

DISCLAIMER: As per your Software Licence Agreement, before using sample Documents it is your responsibility to make sure the sample Documents are fit for the purpose and work as required and shall, as necessary, seek independent professional advice from sources such as Lawyers, Accountants and Government Agencies.

For modified versions of this document, the following code (in the ReplaceBookmarks function):

If PaymentArrangementCurrent IsNot Nothing AndAlso PaymentArrangementCurrent.ScheduledPayments.HasData Then

Should be updated to:

If PaymentArrangementCurrent IsNot Nothing AndAlso PaymentArrangementCurrent.ScheduledPayments IsNot Nothing AndAlso PaymentArrangementCurrent.ScheduledPayments.HasData Then