Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J034006

Administration Libraries; Parameters which may be excluded from configuration screens are now highlighted in the grid

Administration Libraries which support Parameters (such as Scripts) will now highlight Parameters in the grid which may be hidden during configuration around finPOWER Connect.

For example, HTML Widget Scripts can have their Parameters overridden in finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration. However, any Parameters which are, or are below a TESTING Section Start Parameter will be hidden from the list of available Parameters to override.

Now, these Parameters will appear as slightly greyed-out in the grid, and if the Warning and / or Warning Icon columns are displayed, will show the following message(s):

Parameter is a 'TESTING' heading and may be hidden during configuration throughout finPOWER Connect


Parameter is under a 'TESTING' heading and may be hidden during configuration throughout finPOWER Connect