Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect Cloud
Job: J028637

Account form; Transactions grid; If multiple layouts are available, top-right button overlaps filter box

When a grid as multiple layouts (as defined by a "finPOWER Connect Cloud Actions" type Script), the grid would show a button with a down arrow on a dark background in the top-left corner.

If the grid, e.g., the Account, Transactions grid, was showing a filter box above it, this button would overlap the filter box rather than aligning with the top-left of the grid header row.

This has been fixed and the styling of this button changed to use a fixed, light-yellow colour with an icon displaying 3 stacked cubes.

The following "finPOWER Connect Cloud Actions" Script can be used to demonstrate multiple grid layouts for the Transactions grid. This must then be configured for use on the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form, "Forms & Actions", "Account" page:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Public Function Main(source As Object,
                     headerInfo As finCloudConnectFormHeaderInfo,
                     requestInfo As finScriptRequestInfo) As Boolean

  Dim Account As finAccount

  ' Assume Success
  Main = True

  ' Change Transactions grid layout and allow alternate layouts
  If TypeOf source Is finAccount Then
    Account = DirectCast(source, finAccount)

    Select Case Account.AccountClass
      Case isefinAccountClass.Deposit, isefinAccountClass.Disbursement
        ' Use default grid layout

      Case Else
        ' Custom layout for Loans
        With headerInfo.Pages.ItemByPageId("Transactions")
          With .Grid1Layout
          End With

        ' Alternate layout 1
        With .Grid1AlternateLayouts.Add("Overdues", "Overdue Focused")
        End With

        ' Alternate layout 1
        With .Grid1AlternateLayouts.Add("Contractual", "Contractual Focused")
        End With
      End With
    End Select
  End If

End Function