Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J027472
High Importance

Temporary Files; various enhancements, including fixing an issue where files not removed

Temporary Files are used for various reasons within finPOWER Connect. They should automatically be removed when finPOWER Connect is closed down. However, there are some situations where this was not occurring:

  • finPOWER Connect was started with either the /script or /queue command line option.
  • Some files were created without a special "session" prefix.
    • Note, all temporary files should begin with "IS", but, in addition, to be eligible for automatic deletion, they should include the internal session identifier, e.g., 0cc1dcbe-4619-4a84-a3bb-ebd46dc47ce0. Therefore, the files that are deleted would begin with "IS0cc1dcbe-4619-4a84-a3bb-ebd46dc47ce0".
  • finPOWER Connect was not shut down properly.

Temporary files were previously created in the Windows Temporary folder. You can see where this is by opening File Explorer and typing "%temp%" into the folder textbox at the top of the window.

Now they are created in a sub folder of the Windows Temporary Folder, e.g., %temp%\Intersoft\finPOWERConnect3\0cc1dcbe-4619-4a84-a3bb-ebd46dc47ce0.

This makes it easier to see what temporary files finPOWER Connect has created.

IMPORTANT: Since finPOWER Connect, as well as other applications you may have used, have probably left many temporary files behind you should consider cleaning them out. You can use the Windows "Disk Cleanup" or "Storage Sense" tools, or manually delete via File Explorer.