Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J027418

Secured Signing Electronic Signatures: Implemented webhook Callback functionality

The Secured Signing Electronic Signature interface now supports webhook Callback functionality to update finPOWER Connect when the status of a Document changes.

Firstly, you must enable Callbacks in the Secured Signing portal. This setting is found under My Settings, Api Settings, Developer Settings for each API Key defined. Make sure you click "Update Api Settings" after turning on the "Callback" option.

Next, in Cost Centres define the Callback URL under the Secured Signing page, Credentials tab. Note, this will point to your own web server, like https://your.web.server/finpowerconnectws3/api/callback/webhook?serviceid=securedsigning.

So long as your Web Server is running, whenever the status of a Secured Signing Document changes the corresponding Electronic Signature within finPOWER Connect will automatically be updated.

Note, this is the preferred way of receiving updates, as they work in real-time and mean you don't have to continuingly be checking the status of pending Service Logs.