Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J026990

NZ Address Sanitise; may match to the incorrect address

The New Zealand Address Sanitise function may match to the incorrect address under the following scenarios:

==Scenario 1==
* The address entered is valid.
* The address is NOT in the address database.
* Typically this is because the address is new; i.e., added since the last Postal Address File was created.
* There is another address in the address database that matches the same Street address and Suburb or City.

A change has been made to matching logic:

* The Street Address and Suburb must match.
* OR the Street Address and City must match and the address checking does not have a Post Code.
* OR the Street Address, City and Post Code must match.

==Scenario 2==
* The address entered is valid.
* The address includes a Property Name.
* The Street Address starts with a unit description, i.e. Apartment, Flat, Room, Kiosk, Shop, Suite, Unit or Villa.

For example:

Top Apartments
Apartment 123, 12 Banks Street
The Ari
Wellington 6001

A change has been made to matching logic:

* All address lines are split where a comma is encountered.
* Previously there was an exception for the first line, which was expected to be the Street Address.
* Now an address line is not split on a comma if it begins with Apartment, Flat, Room, Kiosk, Shop, Suite, Unit or Villa.

==Scenario 3==
* The address does not include Unit information.
* There are valid addresses found, but they include Unit details.

In this scenario, finPOWER Connect would match to one of the addresses with Unit details and update to that address.

Now finPOWER Connect will not match the address and return a failure with the message "Found more than one possible address match.".