Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J026631

Full Addressing interface (NZ); some queries to the Addressing database are very slow

Some queries to an Addressing database are very slow - if using an Access database.

For example, when entering an address of "PO Box 10" click the lookup button. This can take a few seconds to retrieve a list.

The sample Client Update Address script can also appear to hang on some Clients. For example, an address of PO Box 10, Mahora, Hastings 4120.

To improve performance a new index has been added to the Addressing database. However, you must recreate the database to enable this.

Steps to update:

  1. Note the Address database listed in Global Settings, Clients group, Addressing page.
  2. Open Windows File Explorer and delete the existing Address database.
    • If the file is in use make sure all Users have closed finPOWER Connect.
  3. Under Global Settings, Clients group, Addressing page, click "Create" new Address database and follow steps to recreate your Addressing database.
  4. Close and Reopen your Database.
  5. Under Admin, Postcodes and Addressing, Address Full page, Import the Address file as you normally would.

Note; If you use a SQL Server addressing database you may not notice the same issue. However, re-creating your database should also provide some speed benefit.