Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect Cloud
Job: J026462
High Importance

URLs to finPOWER Connect Cloud that reference the Records view will respect this regardless of Device Option to "Always default to 'Home' view after sign-in" setting

Under the User Menu, Device Options form, you can specify to "Always default to 'Home' view after sign-in, even if records are pinned".

This option was added late in 2020 so that the Records view would not automatically be displayed upon login if the User had "pinned" records. This meant that, if the Home view contained important information, Users would always see this first.

This however broke the ability for a User to open one or more records in the Records view and then to copy a URL from the web browser URL bar to save or send (e.g., via Email) to another User. When the other User followed the URL, upon signing in, that User would always see the Home view (even though the Records were correctly opened in the Records view).

Therefore, upon signing in, if the URL contains "?V?id=Records", the Records view will always be displayed.

NOTE: If a User has saved (bookmarked) finPOWER Connect Cloud and at the point that they saved it, they were viewing the Records view, upon signing in, they will be directed to the Records view regardless of their "Device Options" settings. To remedy this, simply follow the URL, change to the "Home" view and re-save the URL.