Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J024476

Service Log Summary Pages are formatting HTML incorrectly

Viewing a Summary Page generated from an external service such as a Centrix or Aply Credit Enquiry was showing formatting variations between finPOWER Connect Cloud and finPOWER Connect, particularly when viewed from an HTML Widget such as one of the many Credit Enquiry wizards.

The business layer finHtmlSummaryPage2StringBuilder object which is used to generate all Summary Pages has been updated to make the following assumptions:

  • If a Service Report is being generated (this is specified as a parameter on the HtmlHeaderBegin) method then it is not assumed that Full HTML should be returned and styles should be embedded
  • If a Target of "Form" is specified in the Initialise method and it is detected that the Summary Page is being built from a Web Services call then the Target is changed to "WebInternal" which will then allow styling to be picked up reliably.