Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J024209

BETA: Update Requests; Account Payment Arrangement now available as an Update Request

Account Payment Arrangements are now available as an Update Request type. To support this enhancement, the following Business Layer function has been added to easily create this type of Update Request:

  • finBL.UpdateRequestUtilities.CreateUpdateRequestLog_AccountPaymentArrangement()

Payment Arrangement Update Requests only support the "Add New" Update Type.

These Update Requests are actioned differently to existing Update Request Types. Instead of being immediately actioned; when the User selects "Action" and "Update" in the User Interface for this type of request the Payment Arrangement wizard will open, and all fields will pre-populate with the details of the Payment Arrangement in the Update Request. This gives the User the ability to review specific details about the Arrangement, and update as necessary. Only when the wizard has been completed will the Update Request be actioned and the Arrangement take effect.

When declining a Payment Arrangement Update request, this occurs in the traditional way.

Note: Payment Arrangements which have either of the following are not currently supported when adding via Update Request:

  • Interest Rate Changes
  • Account Withdrawals

Also note that this functionality is beta and may be subject to change in future releases.