Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J021109

Clients/ Account Application Applicants; add Preferred Name

The Preferred Name is an alternative to First Name, and like the First Name is a 40 character field. It has been added to Clients and Account Application Applicants.

This could be used where a person prefers to use their middle name, or where they abbreviate or substitute their first name. For example "John Patrick Smith" might have a preferred name of "Paddy". This means that conversations with your clients can use their preferred name.

This change involves several changes, apart from the obvious:

  • Client Name will include the Preferred Name in brackets, e.g., "Smith, John Patrick (Paddy)"
  • Also applies to the Person Acting for Organisations
  • New Salutation/ Addressee options under Global Settings to use the preferred name
    • If the Preferred Name is not defined the regular First Name is substituted
  • Word Document Bookmarks
    • Added PreferredName, if not set will use the First Name
  • finClientFunctions
    • Obsoleted CreateAddresseeName, replaced with CreateAddresseeName2
    • Obsoleted CreateSalutation, replaced with CreateSalutation2
    • Obsoleted GetAddresseeNameList, replaced with GetAddresseeNameList2
    • Obsoleted GetSalutationList, replaced with GetSalutationList2