Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J023404

HTML Widgets; Investment Income Report Export (New Zealand) HTML Widget has been added

The Investment Income Report Export for New Zealand is now available as an HTML Widget.

Note: Unless a specific TaxPeriodId is passed to the HTML Widget, only the most recent 16 Tax Periods will be displayed for each Entity.

Additionally, the Tax Period Close HTML Widget has been updated so that it will automatically prompt to open the Investment Income Report Export HTML Widget upon successful closure of a Tax Period when:
* The database Country Code is NZ
* The user has the following Permission Key allowed:
* WithholdingTax.TaxFileExport_InvestmentIncomeReport

The following HTML Widgets have been added / updated:
* HtmlWidget_InvestmentIncomeReportExport
* Version 1.00 (11/02/2020)
* HtmlWidget_TaxPeriodClose
* Version: 1.01 (24/01/2020)