Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J023585

SQL Server Intersoft Database Connection String; added option for automating SQL Server Authentication mode

The default mode for opening a SQL Server database is using a Windows Trusted Connection. Note, after opening the database the authentication is reset to a special Application Role which gives extra permissions.

As an alternative you can open the database in SQL Server Authentication mode, but this required extra steps when logging into finPOWER Connect. When the Login form is displayed, click on the "Advanced" link and check either "Using the User Id and Password entered above" or "Using the following Credentials".

Now, when "Using the User Id and Password entered above" is checked, the Intersoft Database Connection String will include an extra parameter "SQLAuth". For example:


The login form will update the "Advanced" link's label to "Advanced (using Application Credentials)", but not automatically show the advanced options - however the "Using the User Id and Password entered above" option is checked

If the Windows User Name or shortcut command line arguments include a User Name; the User Id will be defaulted. All the User then has to do is enter their password and click "Log In".

In addition, the "Force direct database authentication?" checkbox can also be included in the Intersoft Database Connection String using the parameter "ForceDirectAccess". Warning; this option should not be used unless directed by Intersoft Systems.