Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J022631

Credit Bureau Defaults; added the ability to cancel a pending Default

The ability to cancel a Credit Bureau Default that is still open in finPOWER Connect has been added.

This might be required under one of the following circumstances:

  1. You have updated and closed a Default via the Centrix or Equifax website, rather than using finPOWER Connect.
  2. An Equifax Default, which started at 90 days overdue, is now over 5 years old. Equifax will fail to update the Default, so you could fail cancel the Default in finPOWER Connect.

Using the "Review" drilldown form, found under Accounts, Status page, select the Default to "Cancel", and click the Cancel button.

Note, you require the Permission Key "Account.CreditBureauDefault.Cancel". Note, this Permission is denied by default.