Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J022489

HTML Widgets; Addressing; Street Unit being lost when not using the AddressDetails Widget control

The Client Contact Address HTML Widget uses the widget.UI.AddressDetails and, when typing an address containing a unit number such as "4/73 Castor Bay Road", the unit number (4) is preserved.

However, other, older HTML Widgets that do not currently use the AddressDetails control were dropping the unit number e.g., converting the street address to "73 Castor Bay Road".

These HTML Widgets are listed below, as is the identifying code, which, due to the fact that it was initialising the Address Auto Complete using control ids (e.g., (txtSuburb_Postal), was bypassing the code that had originally fixed this issue:

  • New Individual Client
  • New Organisation Client
  • Loan Application sample
  // Initialise Addressing
  // NOTE: This sets the maxlength of the supplied controls so call before creating the form
  widget.UI.InitialiseAddressAutoComplete({streetAddress: "txtStreetAddress_Postal",
                                           suburb: "txtSuburb_Postal",
                                           city: "txtCity_Postal",
                                           state: "cboState_Postal",
                                           postcode: "txtPostcode_Postal",
                                           country: "cboCountry_Postal"});