Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015645
High Importance
Breaking Change

Cost Centres; new Add-On released

New Cost Centres Add-On released. Note, this requires the Branches Add-On.

This allows Cost Centres to be created and used at a Branch or Entity level. For example, if you require Credit Enquiries to be allocated to different Cost Centres for accountability, both in the subscriber credentials and fee costs, then Cost Centres is the best way to achieve this.

This means Global Settings and User Preference definitions for services move to Cost Centres.

Note, even without the Cost Centres or Branches Add-On you can still maintain the "Global" Cost Centre.

Currently the following Services have been converted to use Cost Centres:

  • Centrix (New Zealand)
  • CreditSense
  • Equifax (Australia)
  • Equifax (New Zealand)
  • illion BankStatements