Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J022203

PPSR NZ Interface; Better handling of 304 Not Modified error

When executing a Financing Statement Amendment in NZ PPSR, a Status Error 304 "Not Modified" may be returned.

This status code does not return a Response Body, unlike other failures, and therefore was left with a Pending status. The Service Log must then be manually updated to failed. This has been changed so the Service Log is failed.

Underlying this is an issue at PPSR, in that the Suburb of an address may be returned as Null if it is the same as the City/Town - but it actually has a value. This means finPOWER Connect detects an Amendment should be sent, but the Amendment fails with this issue. PPSR is currently investigating this issue.

A potential workaround is to clear the Suburb if it is the same as the City.