Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J021832

Account Processes; new options added to hide Deposit, Loan or Disbursement sections in the User Interface

New options have been added to the Account Processes wizard to hide Deposit, Loan and Disbursement sections. This applies to the User Interface.

These properties should be set in the Script event "AccountProcessesClear". For example to not process Deposits, and hide the options so the User cannot change include the following code:

Case "AccountProcessesClear"
  ' Account Processes has been cleared. Use to update parameters
  With AccountProcesses
    .ShowDepositProcesses = False
    .DepositProcess = False
  End With  

Note, In the example above, Deposits will not be processed. However, you might still process Deposits but not allow the User to amend any of the parameters - in this case do not set DepositProcess to False.

New properties on finAccountProcesses include:

  • ShowDepositProcesses
  • ShowLoanProcesses
  • ShowDisbursementProcesses