Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J021679

PPSR NZ Interface; update validations to check Motor Vehicle Chassis is 17 characters or less

The PPSR NZ Interface allows the Motor Vehicle Chassis to be a maximum of 17 characters.

If a Chassis longer than this was entered, finPOWER Connect would still send the Financing Statement, but the PPSR would return a message like:

Request failed validation. (status 400, code 'ppsr.error.invalid.request')
Request failed validation. Appropriate headers not provided or request did not validate or is not supported.
collateral[0].collateralItems[0].chassis: The value entered is too long (code 'ppsr.error.field.toolong')
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

finPOWER Connect now checks the Chassis is 17 characters or less, and reports a "Motor Vehicle Chassis must consist of no more than 17 characters." error.