Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J021145

finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration; Menus & Actions; new "Other Forms" page added

A new "Other Froms" page has been added to the "Menus & Actions" section of the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form.

This page allows a "finPOWER Connect Cloud Actions" type Script to be specified that can be used to override built-in behavior for certain forms.

The following example Script affects the "ClientEdit" form and will prevent the "Profile" page being edited and provides a substitute HTML Widget to enable the "User Defined" page to be edited:

<script language=''> Option Explicit On Option Strict On

Public Function Main(source As Object, headerInfo As finCloudConnectFormHeaderInfo, requestInfo As finScriptRequestInfo) As Boolean

Dim ApplicationShortcut As ISApplicationShortcut Dim ApplicationShortcutUpdated As ISApplicationShortcut ' Assume Success Main = True

' Handle If TypeOf source Is ISApplicationShortcut AndAlso UCase(DirectCast(source, ISApplicationShortcut).Action) = "FORMSHOW" Then ' Form Overrides ApplicationShortcut = DirectCast(source, ISApplicationShortcut) Select Case UCase(ApplicationShortcut.Parameters.GetString("form")) Case "CLIENTEDIT" ' Client Edit Select Case UCase(ApplicationShortcut.Parameters.GetString("page")) Case "PROFILE" ' Disallow Profile page ApplicationShortcutUpdated = finBL.CreateApplicationShortcutHtmlShow("<h1>Nope, you can't edit the profile ;)</h1>", "Nope") ApplicationShortcut.FromUrlString(ApplicationShortcutUpdated.ToUrlString()) Case "USERDEFINED" ' Custom form to enter User Defined information ApplicationShortcutUpdated = finBL.CreateApplicationShortcutHtmlWidget("WIDGET1", "Updated Profile", True, 640, 480, "", ApplicationShortcut.Parameters) ApplicationShortcut.FromUrlString(ApplicationShortcutUpdated.ToUrlString()) End Select End Select End If

End Function </script>

NOTE: When overriding individual pages in forms such as ClientEdit, you will want to ensure that the HTML Widget is configured to "Hide other pages" so that the original page is never shown.