Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J020850

rPPSR NZ Interface; improve matching of Debtors

Debtors were only matched based upon the Debtor Reference stored in the PPSR, and this is set to the Client's Id.

The following circumstances can cause the Debtor to not be matched, which results in it being deleted and re-added in the PPSR:

  • Changing a Client Id.
  • Data that originally came from another system, which did not use the Client's Id.

Therefore the matching of Debtors has been updated to first match based upon the Client Id, and then based upon the Debtor Type (Individual/ Organisation) plus other information. For an Individual, the first and last names must match plus either the middle names or date of birth. For an Organisation, the NZBN, Company Number and finally Name are compared.