Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J020151

Security Statements; Secured Party Group now automatically set under some conditions

A Security Statement's Secured Party Group is now automatically set under some conditions for New Zealand databases.

Currently, if a new Security Statement is entered via the User Interface the Secured Party Group is shown as a hint only. This is based upon the default defined for the Branch or Global Settings.
It can be overridden by the User on the form. When the Security Statement is saved, the Secured Party Group is updated from the form, either that entered by the User or the hint text shown.

However, if added via the Business Layer, and therefore the User Interface is not involved, the Secured Party Group was not automatically set. Now, if the Register Status is "New" it is set to the default defined for the Branch or Global Settings.

Note, this makes it easier for the new PPSR Interface going forward.