Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J019973

Close Tax Period; new scripting events added

The Tax Period Close wizard now includes scripting events.

A script of type "Object Events", object "TaxPeriodClose" should be created to handle Tax Period Close events. After a script has been created, it must be configured under Global Settings, Accounts, Scripts page, "TaxPeriodClose" event script.

The script can handle two events:

ExecuteCommitPre Runs at the start of ExecuteCommit and can be used to validate and tweak values. Return False, with an error message, to cancel the Commit.

ExecuteCommitPostInTransaction Runs during ExecuteCommit, after work has been completed but before the Database Transaction is committed. Use to implement additional functionality that must be part of the overall Commit.

In this event you can check the property "TaxPeriodPk" to see the Pk of the newly created Tax Period record.