Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J019473

NZ Government Change Events Mailbox added

You can now download changes made in the NZBN Register and show them into finPOWER Connect. This function returns a list of businesses that have had a change made to their details in the NZBN database, including such events as a change in Status, Directors, Name and Addresses.

These details are matched to Clients in your finPOWER Connect database matched by NZBN. They create a Mailbox item in the Task Manager highlighting the type of change made. You can then decide if you need to take further action, e.g. update the Legal Name of a Company.

Each User that will access this information needs to be flagged as a NZ Government Mailbox User, via the Admin, Users & Responsibilites form, Mailbox page.

Note, to work the Client in finPOWER Connect must include an NZBN.

The following Standard Summary Blocks have been updated:

"TaskManager_MailboxItemSummary_Item" updated to version 1.02 on 16/10/2017.

The following built-in Summary Page has been updated:

"SummaryPage2_TaskManagerMailboxItems_MailboxItemSummary" updated to version 2.01 on 29/09/2017.