Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J019367

Bank Export; Reference may be incorrectly set for New Zealand exports

When a Bank Transaction file is exported in New Zealand, the file created may incorrectly set the Reference.

In New Zealand, the Particulars, Code and Reference values are stored in the database column "BankReference" as "Particulars|Code|Reference", i.e. pipe delimited. In other countries there is typically only one "Reference" value for each Bank Transaction.

This information, i.e. the BankReference is split back into Particulars, Code and Reference when required.

The issue was that if the Reference was blank then when the combined "Particulars|Code|Reference" was split to send to the export, the Reference is left as the original database value. Note, the pipe is removed by most exports as it is an invalid character.

Note, this issue is across all Bank Exports in New Zealand.