Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J019257

MotorWeb; allow the online Vehicle Report to be used instead of the downloaded HTML Report

You can specify whether to display the downloaded HTML or the online version of the Vehicle Report by switching a constant in the Summary Page.

The DisplayOnlineReport is set to False by default. To change this constant from the default:

  1. Create a new Script.
  2. On the General page give it a Name and Description.
  3. Set the Type to 'Summary Page (version 2)'.
  4. Set the Object to 'SecurityEnquiryReport'.
  5. Go to the Script Code page.
  6. Right-click and select Built-in Scripts - MotorWeb.
  7. Go to the Constants page.
  8. Click the button to refresh the constants from the script.
  9. Change the 'DisplayOnlineReport' value to 'True' or 'False' using the dropdown.
  10. Save the Script.
  11. Open Global Settings and under Securities group, MotorWeb page select the script you have created and click OK.

NOTE; if viewing the online version of the Vehicle Report you cannot Email, Save as PDF, or Email as PDF.

The following built-in Summary Pages have been added:

"SummaryPage2_SecurityEnquiryReport_MotorWeb" has been updated to version 1.00 on 25/07/2017.