Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J019119

Account List based Reports; now include Grouping Levels for Broker, Bulk Funder, Dealer and Insurer

Account List based Reports, including Reports such as the Trial Balance and Loan Overdue Reports, now include Grouping Levels for Broker, Bulk Funder, Dealer and Insurer.

If the External Party includes a hierarchy of Brokers, Dealers etc., then the existing Dealer and Dealer Master groupings don't provide enough flexibility to produce grouping and totals for each level in the hierarchy.

When there is more than one level in the hierarchy additional Grouping options become available, e.g. "Dealer (Level 1)", "Dealer (Level 2)". You can use these to produce better grouping and totals for External Parties.

In addition, new columns have been added that can be exported for each of the Broker, Bulk Funder, Dealer and Insurer External Party types. These are DealerExPartyLevel1, DealerExPartyLevel2 etc.

Note, a new "Level" column has been added to the Broker, Bulk Funder, Dealer and Insurer External Party lookup forms.