Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018924

Secured Signing; added Document Field Data into Summary Page

Document Field Data has been added into the Summary Page for Secured Signing Electronic Signatures.

This allows you to retrieve and view Document field data that the signer may have added during the signing process.

Once the Signature process is successfully completed, the "Document Field Data" block is added under the "Current Status" section. Initially this will have a button "Get Field Data". Clicking this will retrieve the information and then display the results.

Note, there a new ShowDocumentFieldData constant which controls whether this section is included. The default is False.

The following built-in script has been updated:

"SummaryPage2_ElectronicSignatureSummary_SecuredSigning" has been updated to version 2.03 on 02/05/2017.