Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018902

Client Statistics; invalid frequency may be set for Loan Account expense repayment

Client Statistics include details of Loan Accounts held within finPOWER Connect. For example, the Loan's balance is shown as a Liability and payments shown as an Expense. This is refreshed via a script that is supplied with finPOWER Connect.

However, the script did not handle non-standard payment frequencies correctly. Standard frequencies are Annual, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Fortnightly and Weekly.

For example, a payment frequency of "3 Weeks" set the Client Statistic frequency to "None" - which is incorrect and may cause the Statistics Set to fail when saving.

Non-Standard Payment frequencies are now handled by setting the Frequency to the base frequency, e.g. 3 Weeks = Weeks, and adjusting the Payment value to match.

The following built-in scripts have been updated:

"ObjectEvents_Client_Statistics" has been updated to version 1.04 on 24/04/2017.