Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018877
High Importance

Overdues; new Account Type flag to limit the Overdue and Contractual Overdue to the balance of the Account

Two new Account Type flags have been added to limit the Overdue and Contractual Overdue to the balance of the Account.

These settings are found on the Account Type form, Overdue & Defaults page and are "Limit the Overdue Balance (for Reporting) to the balance of the Account?" and "Limit the Contractual Overdue Balance (for Reporting) to the balance of the Account?". The default is unchecked, i.e. the current behaviour.

When unchecked the sum of Overdue from Transactions is reported as the Overdue Balance, even if it is higher than the Balance. Note, this may be desirable for some Account Types and situations.

When checked, the Overdue Balance is calculated as the sum of Overdue from Transactions, but is adjusted as follows:

Pre Maturity; IF(Balance<0,IF(OverdueBalance,Balance,Overdue)).
Post Maturity; IF(Balance<0,0,IF(Overdue>Balance,Balance,Overdue)) - i.e. if Balance is in Credit Overdue is 0, otherwise it is the lower of Balance or Overdue.

Contractual Overdue is similar but post maturity uses IF(Balance<0,0,Balance) - i.e. if Balance is in Credit Overdue is 0, otherwise it is the entire Balance.

This change affects areas such as the Overdue and Contractual Overdue values shown in the Financial Status and Overdue blocks of Summary Pages on the Status page, various Reports including the Loan Trial Balance Report.

Note, the Transactions page does not adjust the Overdue Balance column.

Note, Account Calculations always have and continue to use the lower of the Account's Balance or Overdue Balance when determining if the Account is Overdue.