Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018841

Queues; Report Export File Name now supports Smart Tags

The Report Export File Name for Queues now supports Smart Tags, including the following:

[AppFolder] - This will be replaced by the Application Folder.
[DbFolder] - This will be replaced by the Database Folder - for MS Access databases, or AppFolder otherwise.
[DocumentFolder] - This will be replaced by the User's Document Folder.
[ExportFolder] - This will be replaced by the User's Export Data Folder.
[TemplateFolder] - This will be replaced by the User's Template Folder.
[YMD] - This will be replaced by the current date, e.g. 20160630.
[YMDHM] - This will be replaced by the current date and time, e.g. 201606301520.
[YMDHMS] - This will be replaced by the current date and time, e.g. 20160630152010.
[HM] - This will be replaced by the current time, e.g. 1520.
[HMS] - This will be replaced by the current time including seconds, e.g. 152010.
[SEQ] - This will be replaced by a sequence number. This will start at 1 and be incremented until a unique file name is found.