Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018077

Credit Sense interface; now allows any Supplemental Report Type to be loaded/ shown

Previously the Credit Sense Bank Account Enquiry interface only allowed Supplemental Report Types 3, 4 and 7 to be loaded/ shown.

This restriction within finPOWER Connect has been removed.

Note, you may receive the following error from Credit Sense if you try to access a Report that is not available to you - "Failed to load Bank Account Enquiry supplemental Report. Failed to execute Credit Sense 'Download Bank Html' request. reportType must be 3, 4 or 7.".

To add more Supplemental Reports within finPOWER Connect you need to amend the standard Report Summary Page and add additional Reports. For example, to add a new Report Type "9", with a description of "New Report":

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("<li><a href='App://Global?Type=BankAccountEnquiry.SupplementalReport&ServiceLogPk={0}&ReportKey=9&Title=New%20Report'>New Report</a></li>", ServiceLogs(0).Pk))