Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J017723

Summary Pages; Watermark property added to provide a way of adding a simple watermark

A Watermark property has been added to the finHtmlSummaryPage2StringBuilder object.

This provides a simple way of adding a watermark such as "Draft", "Test Mode" or "Sample" to a Summary Page.

Note, no control is given over how the watermark is displayed. For full control, hand-coded HTML and CSS should be used.

The following built-in Summary Pages have been updated to include a "Test Mode" watermark.

"SummaryPage2_CreditEnquiryReport_ABNLookup" updated to version 2.02 on 01/09/2016. Note, this does not currently have a Test Mode.
"SummaryPage2_CreditEnquiryReport_CompaniesOfficeNZ" updated to version 2.01 on 01/09/2016.
"SummaryPage2_CreditEnquiryReport_GreenId" updated to version 2.01 on 01/09/2016.
"SummaryPage2_CreditEnquiryReport_VedaConnectAU_Organisation" updated to version 2.00 on 01/09/2016.
"SummaryPage2_ElectronicSignatureSummary_AdobeSign" updated to version 2.03 on 01/09/2016. Note, this does not currently have a Test Mode.
"SummaryPage2_ElectronicSignatureSummary_SecuredSigning" updated to version 2.02 on 01/09/2016.