Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015991

Scripts; Shared (Static) version of finPOWER Connect business layer now available for use in private Classes

Private classes within finPOWER Connect Scripts are unable to use the finPOWER Connect business layer (finBL).

A new Shared (or Static in C#) version of the business layer (and the ScriptInfo object) are now available, e.g.:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Public Function Main(parameters As ISKeyValueList) As Boolean
  Dim t As Test

  ' Assume Success
  Main = True
  t = New Test()

End Function

Private Class Test
  Sub ShowVersion()

    finBLShared.DebugPrint("Version: " & finBLShared.Version)

  End Sub
End Class

A C# version of the above is shown below:

public bool Main(ISKeyValueList parameters)
  bool Main;
  Test t;

  // Assume Success
  Main = true;
  t = new Test();
  // Function should return a Boolean value indicating success
  return Main;

private class Test
  public void ShowVersion()
    finBLShared.DebugPrint("Version: " + finBLShared.Version);

NOTE: Page Sets and Account Application Type Scripts can also access a finBLShared property however, since these inherit from a standard base class, ScriptInfoShared is not available to these Scripts.