Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015873

SQL Where Builder; AppendInSubQuery did not allow ORDER BY

In the finPOWER Connect Business Layer, the ISSqlWhereBuilder, AppendInSubQuery method never added the ORDER BY of the sub-query. Note, this was by design as SQL Server will error with an IN sub-query that has an ORDER BY.

However, this has been relaxed as SQL Server does allow an IN sub-query that has an ORDER BY when there is also a TOP clause.

So, with a TOP clause this is valid:

SELECT * FROM [Account] WHERE [Account].[Pk] IN (SELECT TOP 2 [AccountPk] FROM [AccountClient] WHERE [AccountClient].[AccountPk] = [Account].[Pk] ORDER BY [AccountClient].[ClientPk]) ORDER BY [AccountId]

Remove the TOP clause and the ORDER BY shouldn't be included:

SELECT * FROM [Account] WHERE [Account].[Pk] IN (SELECT [AccountPk] FROM [AccountClient] WHERE [AccountClient].[AccountPk] = [Account].[Pk]) ORDER BY [AccountId]