finPOWER Connect Security Enquiry Add-On
The Security Enquiry Add-On incorporates various interfaces to third parties to enquire upon Security information such as Motor Vehicles.
In Australia, the finPOWER Connect Security Enquiry Add-On provides a direct interface to InfoAgent to provide a report on all details of a Motor Vehicle.
In New Zealand, the finPOWER Connect Security Enquiry Add-On provides a direct interface to Centrix, InfoAgent and MotorWeb to provide a report on all details of a Motor Vehicle.
Centrix provides a Motor Vehicle Report (Wheels) with optional PPSR and valuation information.
InfoAgent provides a Motor Vehicle Report with optional PPSR and valuation information.
MotorWeb provides a Vehicle Information Report (VIR) that is the result of 42 different checks made on numerous private and Government databases.
Vehicle Reports include information such as:
- Make, Model, Colour, Year and other basic vehicle details
- Whether the Vehicle has a Security Interest, i.e. PPSR Security Interest
- Inconsistent odometer readings or wind-backs
- Expired RUCs, WOFs, or licenses
- Flood damaged, Stolen status checks
- Deregistrations/ Written Off (possible accident damage)
Once the Report is retrieved, the key details on the vehicle are then used to automatically populate the Security Item within finPOWER Connect. This reduces manual keying and improves accuracy, especially when that information is then used to register a Security Interest with the PPSR.