finPOWER SMS Services Add On

The SMS Add-On is proving a hit with finPOWER Users. This Add On provides finPOWER Users with the ability to send SMS TXT messages directly from finPOWER to their clients cell phones, and any replies are sent directly from the cell phone to the finPOWER Users' e-mail address. This Add-On delivers the latest in technology straight to the User's desktop in a simple, easy to use package. Here's how it works.

We have partnered leading SMS provider TxtStream Ltd to provide a SMS gateway that finPOWER feeds TXT messages directly into. TXTstream then use their technology to deliver the TXT to any cell phone, anywhere in the world. This gateway also handles any replies, delivering them to the senders e-mail address and notifies the sender of any undelivered TXT messages.

Sending TXT messages offers a number of advantages over conventional communications:

  • They are instant - the message is delivered within minutes of it being sent
  • It is new technology so has a greater appeal
  • The younger generation is more reliant and respond more readily to their cell phone than both mail or conventional phones
  • They are cost effective - TXT messages cost NZD$0.175c (plus GST) to send compared to about NZD$1.00 for conventional post
  • Replies are handled easily as they are sent directly to your e-mail address

Within finPOWER there are three methods for sending TXT messages. The first is a simple, ad-hoc message function. This can be used to send casual messages to clients, Loan and Deposit contacts and even the Contacts from Microsoft Outlook. TXT messages sent this way automatically generate, if applicable, a new Log Note recording the event and content of the message.

finPOWER SMS Sdump

The second allows you to send Bulk SMS Messages. You can select clients based on a range of criteria including Branches, Dealers, Managers, Loan Types, current balance and balance overdue etc. These clients are then sent a message that can be personalised and Log Notes can be generated. Bulk SMS Messages are a great marketing tool and as a way of quickly getting messages to a client base e.g. Christmas hours etc.

finPOWER SMS, Bulk Message Sdump

The third option is is to send TXT messages via MS Word VBA. Using MS Word VBA allows far greater flexibility for selecting clients to send messages to and can be incorporated into letter runs. This could be used to notify clients of a reversed Direct Debit payment, remind them of a payment that is due tomorrow, advise of a missed payment etc. The possibilities are endless.