finPOWER Connect Videos

finPOWER Connect is best understood when you see it in action. Click the links below to see the features come to life.

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finPOWER Connect has a comprehensive client file that allows you to record a vast amount of information about your clients in a simple and easy to understand format.

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Loan Accounts

The finPOWER Connect Account file displays all the necessary information on an Account for the day to day management of it as well as easy access to the common client queries.

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Logs and Notes

finPOWER Connect offers a very comprehensive Logs function that allows Log entries to be made against a number of key files in the system. The video shows Logs in action for Clients but similar functionality is also available for: Clients, Accounts, Securities, Workflows and External Parties.

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Australian PPSR B2G

finPOWER Connect has been specifically enhanced to provide the necessary functionality to allow you to regsiter your Security Interests on the PPSR and undertake the ongoing maintenance of those Registrations. The video shows the PPSR B2G interface in action, a feature that allows you to register and maintain your Security Interests electronically.

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