User Administration in finPOWER Connect Cloud

Thursday, 14 February 2019 by Paul Hammond

finPOWER Connect Cloud has the ability to add and edit Users.

This includes re-enabling locked out Users and duplicating an existing User to create a new User.

Our online demo lets you check out the latest build of finPOWER Connect Cloud.

NOTE: This is regularly updated to show new features and may not match screenshots shown in this article.


As of version 3.01.00, finPOWER Connect Cloud added the ability to add and edit Users.

The functionality of both the "Users" (Tools, User Security) and "Users & Responsibilities" (Admin) forms from finPOWER Connect now exist within finPOWER Connect Cloud.

To use these new forms, the respective system menu item groups ("User Security" and "Administration") must be added to one of the finPOWER Connect Cloud menus, e.g.:

Menu wizard

User Security

A searchable list of Users is available from which "locked out" Users can be unlocked via the vertical ellipsis button:


New Users can be added using either the "Add" button of the "Duplicate User" option from the vertical ellipsis button:

New User

User Responsibilities

This is similar to the Users list but with a summary focused more on User Responsibilities.

You also have the ability to unlock "locked out" Users.

Users & Responsibilities

User Responsibilities can be edited:

User Responsibilities

User Lists

Both of the User forms are first presented as a list. These lists:

  • Will only display items (without having to search) if there are 100 or less records to display.
    • In the examples above, 35 User records exist.
  • Can be filtered using one of the filter buttons, e.g., "External", "Locked Out".
  • The grids can be filtered by entering something in the filter/ search box.
    • Clicking the "search" button will perform a full search, e.g., you can enter a User's phone number, even if it is not displayed in the grid.